From round ball, hollow point, to hot rounds like Cor-bon and Federal Hydra-Shock, we have you covered.
We stock an assortment of ammunition for all popular pistol calibers, and some common rifle calibers. We have assorted brands of high quality, yet affordable practice ammo, and several brands of premium self defense ammo in standard and +P loadings. Whether your firearm is used for leisure, sporting, or work, be sure to have the proper firearm ammunition readily available.
Remember: Owning a firearm for protection is an important individual decision and a big responsibility. It requires a thorough understanding of firearm operations, maintenance, safety and storage, as well as knowledge of local, state and federal laws. As with all types of shooting, training in the use of a firearm is imperative.
“This is my favorite range in Dallas. Staff knows what they are talking about. Self Defense and CHL classes taught there on week nights and weekends. Lanes for rifles and full auto (if you have a Class 3). All types of arms to rent and plenty of tactical gear on sale in the lobby. This is my go to spot for a mid day indoor shoot, anytime of the year. Enjoy.” - Shea H, Dallas, TX
1607 West Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, Texas 75235
Call Us: 214.630.4866
Hours of Operation
Mon ‐ Fri: 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sat ‐ Sun: 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Get In Touch: Contact Form
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